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Several common faults in electronic circuits

Time:2017-07-08 Views:256
For an electrical equipment, it is necessary for all electronic circuits to function properly in order to function in actual electrical engineering. There are a lot of electronic circuits involved in a whole machine, and the layout is more complex, involving a large number of electronic components and circuits. Once the electrical equipment fails to work properly, it represents problems and failures in some part of these complex electronic circuits. How to find fault lines quickly and accurately in numerous electronic circuits is a concern for every electrical maintenance personnel. In the author‘s long practice experience, some common electronic circuit faults have been summarized, which mainly include the following: 1.1 fault of test equipment. This case, the electronic circuit itself is not the problem, and electrical equipment shows that there is a problem because the test equipment fails, or the operator does not operate according to the correct operation and cause failure, such as the oscilloscope is in use process, if the level of the selected file is not reasonable, it could make the waveform abnormal, display devices have fault, but that is not the case. 
1.2 defects caused by components. The electronic circuit itself is composed of more components and circuits, and if the components themselves have problems, they can also cause failure. Generally, electronic components mainly include single resistance, capacitance, transistor, etc. Once these components are burned, the lines in which they are in cannot input current or output current. 
1.3 fault caused by human factors. The failure of the electronic circuit may also be caused by improper operation, such as an error in the power connection or failure to install all components. Improper installation will likely cause the electronic circuit to malfunction. 
1.4 bad circuit contact. In many cases, the failure is intermittent power of electronic circuit, good and bad, or a line this fault is caused by poor contact circuit and more commonly, such as the connection plug point unreliable.